Monday 12 May 2014

Gardening Project (Science KS1) Progress

Well, we're a couple of months in to our project and what have we accomplished?

We 'planted' our sunflower seeds, or rather we put them between bits of cottonwool so we could watch their progress.

Little Miss was intrigued about what was inside the seeds, so she crushed one to have a look. She also ate a few to prove they are not just edible but quite yummy too.  Then she shredded up bits of coloured paper and put them around the seeds because she said they needed decorations :)

They germinated pretty quickly in their sunny spot on the window sill, and Little Miss learned that they need/ed water, light, and warmth to start growing.  She also noticed that 4 of the 6 seeds grew pretty rapidly, 1 was a late developer, and 1 didn't germinate at all.

The seedlings were progressing very nicely before we went away for the weekend at the end of March. When we got back they had shrivelled up and died from neglect.  A valuable lesson there.....

The plants we bought as seedlings on the other hand are coming along very nicely.  Here's our tomatoes, strawberries, lettuce and rhubarb on the 15th of April:

A week later the strawberries had started budding, the tomatoes had developed buds and the potatoes (which were from a pocket we had not eaten quickly enough and started sprouting in the cupboard - another great learning opportunity!) were just peeking through the top of the soil:

By the 3rd of May the strawberry plant was littered in buds, and the tomato plant covered in lovely yellow flowers. The potatoes seem to have shot up overnight!

We've put straw under the strawberry plants (how appropriate) to lift the fruits off the soil to prevent them rotting while they grow.  As soon as they turn pink we'll need to protect them from the birds too.

It seems that the more we eat from the lettuce plants, the more they grow. They are doing really well and Little Miss and Little Man thoroughly enjoy eating the fruits of their labours.

The potatoes are now growing like weeds too, so I'm hopeful for a good crop.  The photos below were taken today:

Every time we go outside or come home Little Man has to go check on his "boo barb" and both kidlets are very keen for the strawberries to hurry up and grow so they can be eaten.

Do you have a gardening project on the go? Please feel free to share your links in the comments below.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Saturday is Caption Day!

We're joining in with the funscapades of "Saturday Caption Day" - hosted this week by RocknRollMum.

It's easy to join in!  All you do is post your best (or worst!) caption to my photo below, and then click the link underneath to take you to the other entries :)

The Ramblings of a formerly Rock n Roll Mum

Oh, and apologies to those of you who wanted to leave a caption last time and couldn't!!  I had "G+ Comments" enabled before realising that unless you have a G+ account you couldn't leave a blog comment. D'oh...  All sorted now though, xxx

Monday 31 March 2014

What's in YOUR handbag??

Inspired by this post on Netmums this morning, I tipped my bag out on my desk (yes, today is a work day and I'm supposed to be working....) and this is what was (is) in it:

My purse; hairbrush; sunglasses; handcream; lipstick; packet of tissues; packet of chewing gum; the check-in stub from my weekend away (yes hubs took me away this weekend for a little child free escape); an iPad charging cable; a portion of Nutella (don't ask); and a random bobby pin and hair clip!

What's in YOUR handbag??  Why not post a pic on your blog or Facebook page and then share the link below in the comments so we can have a little nosey around.... :)